Welcome to ELAN Research

ELAN, the Extramural LUMC Academic Network, brings researchers and healthcare professionals in the region together to support innovation and improvements in healthcare research, training and education.

If you want to do research within the Leiden-The Hague area (the northern part of the province of South Holland), you can make use of the following research opportunities to (1) make contact with general practitioners (GPs) or GPs-in-training and teachers, and/or (2) help with patient recruitment, and/or (3) get access to encrypted routine (care) data. For all options, costs are involved (see our ‘knowledgebase’).

For all options, requests can be made by creating a digital ticket. Please note that on average requests will take at least 8 weeks to be granted.

Access to encrypted routine (care) data in two environments

In case you are going to work with encrypted routine care data (option 3), ELAN offers two distinct environments: one within the LUMC and the other through Remote Access (RA) provided by Statistics Netherlands (SN, CBS in Dutch). Both environments provide access to encrypted GP-care data from over 100 affiliated GPs within the GP research partnership of ELAN. Please read the information below for the distinction between the two environments.

(A) data within the LUMC environment

Within the LUMC environment, researchers can get access to encrypted GP-care data. It also includes the opportunity for precision recruitment via STIZON as trusted third party, by offering GPs tiles for patient selection.

(B) data within the CBS-RA environment

The CBS-RA environment of ELAN offers researchers a unique data-infrastructure in which researchers are able to combine data from multiple caregivers (i.e. GP, hospital, mental health care, Municipal Health Services, social care and perinatal data) with the SN-microdata (SN=Statistics Netherlands=CBS) (Click here to see the SN-microdata catalogus) More information about working within the CBS-RA environment can be found through the following links:

Click here to see a list of all ELAN-publications.

If you have any questions regarding ELAN, you can address them to elan@lumc.nl.